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The atmosphere here is on point and there's some interesting mechanics. Unfortunately there's a number of choices and issues that make the game a little frustrating.

- Checkpoints are determined a bit strangely and can cause for some sequence break issues (dying in the first room sent me to the maze room).
- There is some missing collision on some of the walls (specifically the northeast chamber relative to the maze room.
- The tripping is very punishing, not only breaking up your movement but also getting rid of your reagent, meaning you have no light by which to navigate.
- The maze is particularly frustrating because you can trip in the middle and then have to basically stumble your way back out.
- After using the alchemy table and fusing the reagents, the maze becomes even more punishing, destroying the floor and causing a game over if you trip. I ended up tripping with the combined reagent and losing it, spawning back outside the maze and having to redo the fusing process. At this point I had already spent up to 15 minutes and decided to give up.

I love 2D zelda and there's room here for a great game, but the player is definitely being set back too far for mistakes right now. Increasing the base light radius around the player when they're not holding a reagent would go a long way.